Fertility Tasmania Fertility Tasmania

Privacy Policy

Get in touch with us about Privacy Policy today

Fertility Tasmania will respect the privacy of every Fertility Tasmania patient. Fertility Tasmania will treat their patients’ personal and health information in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles under the Privacy (Private Sector) Amendment Act 2000 (Cth).

Fertility Tasmania is required to collect personal information from patients and others associated with the patients’ health care for a variety of purposes. This information will be used and disclosed for purposes directly related to a patient’s treatment and care.


Health Information is ‘sensitive information’ for the purposes of the Australian Privacy Principles and relevant State Guidelines. This means that your consent will be sought to collect health information. You will be required to sign a Privacy Consent indicating you have read and understood it. You will also have an opportunity to place conditions on the consent. Where practicable, Fertility Tasmania will comply with your conditions provided they are compliant with legislation.

There are legal obligations for Fertility Tasmania to provide information to statutory bodies. If you do not consent to the collection of the required data, please discuss this with the Privacy Officer.

Collection of Information

It is necessary for Fertility Tasmania to collect personal information from patients and sometimes others associated with their health care. Information is also collected for administrative purposes. Fertility Tasmania uses SMS /email as well as written communications with patients. Your Privacy Consent includes consent to electronic communication.

Use and Disclosure

A patient’s personal health information is only used or disclosed for purposes directly related to their care and treatment. The typical circumstances in which Fertility Tasmania will collect, use and disclose a patient’s health information are as follows:

At times, Fertility Tasmania may be approached by a person requesting information about you. Fertility Tasmania will not discuss your information without specific consent for example:

Data Quality and Accuracy

All patient information held by Fertility Tasmania relevant to the functions of providing assisted reproductive technology treatment and associated health care will be maintained in a form that is accurate, complete and up-to-date. If you believe your records are inaccurate and you are requesting a file review/change, please contact the Privacy Officer.

Data Security

The storage, use and, where necessary, transfer of personal health information will be undertaken in a secure manner that protects patient privacy. It is necessary for Fertility Tasmania to keep a record of patients’ information for as long as is required by law or is prudent having regard to administrative requirements. The patients (partners are located in the same file) files are electronic with all hard copy files scanned into the electronic file. All files are password protected and only appropriately trained staff can access your file. All files have a back-up file. All staff sign a confidentiality /privacy agreement.


On request to the Privacy Officer, Fertility Tasmania will inform patients of:

Access and Correction

A patient can request a copy of their file upon request. A standard copy of the file will be provided to the patient generally within 10 working days depending on staff availability. There will be a fee associated with this request and this fee along with outstanding fees will need to be paid before a copy of the file is processed.

Patients may gain access to their personal information upon request and in writing to the Medical Director for the purposes of amending any personal information held that is incorrect. There may be circumstances when access is restricted, and in these cases, reasons for denying access will be explained. A charge may apply where Fertility Tasmania incurs costs in providing access to and/or copy of patient information.

If requested, a record of finances paid will be given to patients. It is the patient’s responsibility to notify Fertility Tasmania of any change in their relationship status and if any amendments to conditions of disclosure of information.

If requested, a patient’s health information can be made available to other health service providers. This can only occur if the patient has consented to the release of this information.

If a couple is separated or divorced, Fertility Tasmania cannot provide information regarding the ex-partner.

If you have any questions please contact the Privacy Officer.


These are the Fertility Tasmania patient numbers that are used to identify patients with or without the use of a name. Fertility Tasmania will limit the use of identifiers by Commonwealth Government Agencies to those uses necessary to fulfil Fertility Tasmania’s obligations to those Agencies, eg Medicare number.


A patient has a right to be dealt with anonymously, provided this is lawful and practicable. However, in the context of assisted reproductive technology treatment, this is not practicable or possible for Medicare, health insurance management or treatment purposes, and therefore, Fertility Tasmania cannot facilitate the anonymous use of patient information.

Transborder Data Flows

The privacy of individuals is protected Australia-wide by privacy laws. Fertility Tasmania will take reasonable steps to protect patients’ privacy if information is to be sent interstate or outside Australia. To protect your privacy, Fertility Tasmania will provide a copy of your file to you personally, not a direct copy to a third party.

Patient Concerns

If a patient has any concerns relating to privacy issues, please contact the Privacy Officer on 03 6169 1111.

If there is no resolution to the issue, the patient may seek advice from:

HealthComplaints Commissioner (TAS)
FREECALL 1800 001 170

Website Privacy Policy

This Website Privacy Policy sets out the way in which we handle information collected through our website. When you use our website you may provide us with personal information.

Fertility Tasmania has a separate privacy policy, which sets out the way in which we will handle your personal information in compliance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and Australian Privacy Principles contained in that Act, and other relevant privacy laws.

Use of personal information collected through our website

We will only collect your personal information through our website (such as your email address or other contact details) if you submit an online enquiry or seminar registration to us directly. We will only use this information for the purposes for which you have provided it and in accordance with our Privacy Policy and relevant privacy laws.


Cookies are small files that are stored on your computer, tablet or mobile phone by a website which record your visit and collect statistical information.

Fertility Tasmania uses cookies via our website for internal use only. We use the information sourced from these cookies to help improve our website experience by creating more effective content and developing better user experiences.

PLEASE NOTE: This data is anonymous and cannot be tracked back to any one user.

Most web browsers accept cookies automatically but you may configure your browser to reject cookies. If you set your browser to reject cookies you may not be able to make full use of our website. If you wish to disable cookies, here are the instructions for the most popular web browsers:

Remarketing with Google Analytics

Fertility Tamsmania uses analytics data and the double click cookie to serve ads based on a user’s prior visits to our website. You have the ability to opt out of the double click cookie by visiting the Google advertising opt-out page or by opting out of Google Analytics by visiting the Google Analytics opt-out page.

If you would like to know more about remarketing you can view Google’s Remarketing Privacy GuidelinesPolicies and Restrictions pages.

Contact us

If you have any questions relating to our Website Privacy Policy, please contact us on 6169 1111 .




Open Hours

  • For all appointments and general enquiries:
    Monday to Friday
  • Available by appointment only:


  • Hobart

    Level 4
    81 Elizabeth Street
    Hobart TASMANIA 7000

    Postal Address:

    PO Box 4582
    Bathurst Street
    Hobart TASMANIA 7000

(Menopause (premature))
Menopause (premature) Menopause in women less than or equal to 35 years of age
Menopause (premature)
Menopause (premature) Menopause in women less than or equal to 35 years of age
(Biochemical Pregnancy)
Biochemical Pregnancy Fertilisation and implantation have occurred resulting in a positive pregnancy test. The pregnancy ends at a very early stage prior to ultrasound confirmation.
Biochemical Pregnancy
Biochemical Pregnancy Fertilisation and implantation have occurred resulting in a positive pregnancy test. The pregnancy ends at a very early stage prior to ultrasound confirmation.
(Anembryonic Pregnancy)
Anembryonic Pregnancy No foetal heartbeat is visible at the 6-8 week scan.
Anembryonic Pregnancy
Anembryonic Pregnancy No foetal heartbeat is visible at the 6-8 week scan.
(Menopause (early))
Menopause (early) Menopause in women less than 46 years of age
Menopause (early)
Menopause (early) Menopause in women less than 46 years of age
(Follicular Phase)
Follicular Phase First half of the menstrual cycle before ovulation
Follicular Phase
Follicular Phase First half of the menstrual cycle before ovulation
Cryopreservation Preservation (by freezing) of eggs, sperm or embryos
Cryopreservation Preservation (by freezing) of eggs, sperm or embryos
(Antagonist Cycle)
Antagonist Cycle A type of treatment process that requires the use of a medication that prevents ovulation during an IVF cycle
Antagonist Cycle
Antagonist Cycle A type of treatment process that requires the use of a medication that prevents ovulation during an IVF cycle
(Extended Culture)
Extended Culture The term used to describe growth of embryos in culture for 4-6 days
Extended Culture
Extended Culture The term used to describe growth of embryos in culture for 4-6 days
(Embryo Transfer)
Embryo Transfer Placement of embryo/s into the uterus
Embryo Transfer
Embryo Transfer Placement of embryo/s into the uterus
(Ultrasound Scan)
Ultrasound Scan An ultrasound wave scan of the uterus/ovaries/follicles for investigation of infertility and/or scan of the uterus for the confirmation of pregnancy
Ultrasound Scan
Ultrasound Scan An ultrasound wave scan of the uterus/ovaries/follicles for investigation of infertility and/or scan of the uterus for the confirmation of pregnancy
(Pituitary Gland)
Pituitary Gland The gland located at the base of the brain, which controls hormone functions in the human body
Pituitary Gland
Pituitary Gland The gland located at the base of the brain, which controls hormone functions in the human body
(Donation Embryo)
Donation Embryo The process where a couple donate frozen embryo/s to another party (recipients) for use in infertility treatment
Donation Embryo
Donation Embryo The process where a couple donate frozen embryo/s to another party (recipients) for use in infertility treatment
(Fallopian Tubes)
Fallopian Tubes Tubes that extend from the uterus to the ovary and serve as a passageway for the egg and sperm to meet. The fallopian tube is the place where fertilisation occurs
Fallopian Tubes
Fallopian Tubes Tubes that extend from the uterus to the ovary and serve as a passageway for the egg and sperm to meet. The fallopian tube is the place where fertilisation occurs
(Egg Timer Test)
Egg Timer Test A blood test and pelvic ultrasound scan to indicate the likely fertility status of a woman
Egg Timer Test
Egg Timer Test A blood test and pelvic ultrasound scan to indicate the likely fertility status of a woman
(Egg Collection)
Egg Collection Surgical collection of egg/s from the follicles in the ovary
Egg Collection
Egg Collection Surgical collection of egg/s from the follicles in the ovary
(Donation Sperm)
Donation Sperm The process where a male donor donates sperm to another party (recipient) for use in infertility treatment
Donation Sperm
Donation Sperm The process where a male donor donates sperm to another party (recipient) for use in infertility treatment
Endometriosis A medical condition where the endometrium is located outside the uterus in the pelvic cavity
Endometriosis A medical condition where the endometrium is located outside the uterus in the pelvic cavity
Fertilisation The earliest stage of development after the penetration of the egg by a sperm
Fertilisation The earliest stage of development after the penetration of the egg by a sperm
(Embryo Biopsy)
Embryo Biopsy The removal of one or two cells, from an early IVF embryo for preimplantation genetic screening
Embryo Biopsy
Embryo Biopsy The removal of one or two cells, from an early IVF embryo for preimplantation genetic screening
Implantation The embedding of the embryo into the lining of the uterus
Implantation The embedding of the embryo into the lining of the uterus
Progesterone Hormone produced by the ovary in the Luteal phase. Its main function is to change the growth of the endometrium and assist with the implantation of the embryo
Progesterone Hormone produced by the ovary in the Luteal phase. Its main function is to change the growth of the endometrium and assist with the implantation of the embryo
(Luteal Phase)
Luteal Phase The second half of the menstrual cycle after ovulation until the menstrual period
Luteal Phase
Luteal Phase The second half of the menstrual cycle after ovulation until the menstrual period
(Donation Egg)
Donation Egg The process where a female donor donates eggs to another party (recipient) for use in infertility treatment
Donation Egg
Donation Egg The process where a female donor donates eggs to another party (recipient) for use in infertility treatment
Spermatozoon Mature male sperm cell (gamete) produced by the testicle
Spermatozoon Mature male sperm cell (gamete) produced by the testicle
(Patent Tubes)
Patent Tubes A term used to describe fallopian tubes that are open allowing free passage for the egg, sperm and embryo
Patent Tubes
Patent Tubes A term used to describe fallopian tubes that are open allowing free passage for the egg, sperm and embryo
Endometrium The membrane that lines the inner surface of the uterus
Endometrium The membrane that lines the inner surface of the uterus
Laparoscopy Diagnostic procedure where an instrument (laparoscope) is inserted through a small incision just below the umbilicus, to enable visualisation of the pelvic cavity and its organs
Laparoscopy Diagnostic procedure where an instrument (laparoscope) is inserted through a small incision just below the umbilicus, to enable visualisation of the pelvic cavity and its organs
Miscarriage Loss of pregnancy
Miscarriage Loss of pregnancy
Blastocyst An embryo five to six days after fertilisation.
Blastocyst An embryo five to six days after fertilisation.
Menopause The permanent cessation of menstruation following the loss of ovarian function
Menopause The permanent cessation of menstruation following the loss of ovarian function
Ovulation The process of release of a mature egg from an ovary
Ovulation The process of release of a mature egg from an ovary
Oestrogen A major female hormone that is produced primarily by the ovaries
Oestrogen A major female hormone that is produced primarily by the ovaries
(In Vitro)
In Vitro Outside the body
In Vitro
In Vitro Outside the body
Follicle A small secretory sac in the ovary in which an egg develops
Follicle A small secretory sac in the ovary in which an egg develops
Adhesion Scar tissue, in particular between the abdominal and/or pelvic organs often the result of an infection/inflammation.
Adhesion Scar tissue, in particular between the abdominal and/or pelvic organs often the result of an infection/inflammation.
Hormone A chemical substance, secreted by the endocrine glands, which is carried by the blood stream to the target organ influencing its activity, growth and nutrition
Hormone A chemical substance, secreted by the endocrine glands, which is carried by the blood stream to the target organ influencing its activity, growth and nutrition
Menevit Vitamin supplement for men containing anti oxidants to support sperm health
Menevit Vitamin supplement for men containing anti oxidants to support sperm health
(In Vivo)
In Vivo Inside the body
In Vivo
In Vivo Inside the body
Gamete The male and female reproductive cells (egg or sperm)
Gamete The male and female reproductive cells (egg or sperm)
Uterus Female reproductive organ where a pregnancy develops
Uterus Female reproductive organ where a pregnancy develops
Cervix Lower section of the uterus which protrudes into the top of the vagina.
Cervix Lower section of the uterus which protrudes into the top of the vagina.
Embryo After fertilisation the egg begins to divide and multiply and is now called an embryo
Embryo After fertilisation the egg begins to divide and multiply and is now called an embryo
Vagina Passageway between the external genitals and the uterus
Vagina Passageway between the external genitals and the uterus
Semen Fluid containing sperm
Semen Fluid containing sperm
OHSS Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome. A group of symptoms which is associated with ovarian enlargement during IVF treatment cycle
OHSS Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome. A group of symptoms which is associated with ovarian enlargement during IVF treatment cycle
Ovum Female gamete (egg) contained in a follicle
Ovum Female gamete (egg) contained in a follicle
ICSI Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection, is a process where a single sperm is injected into an egg
ICSI Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection, is a process where a single sperm is injected into an egg
PGS Preimplantation Genetic Screening - the process of taking cells from an embryo to check the number of chromosomes or to test for a specific genetic abnormality
PGS Preimplantation Genetic Screening - the process of taking cells from an embryo to check the number of chromosomes or to test for a specific genetic abnormality
FET Frozen Embryo Transfer, a procedure in which frozen embryo/s are thawed and then transferred to the uterus
FET Frozen Embryo Transfer, a procedure in which frozen embryo/s are thawed and then transferred to the uterus
HCG Human chorionic gonadotrophin The hormone measured to diagnose a pregnancy
HCG Human chorionic gonadotrophin The hormone measured to diagnose a pregnancy
ART Assisted Reproductive Technology - a collective term for the different types of infertility treatments.
ART Assisted Reproductive Technology - a collective term for the different types of infertility treatments.
IVF In Vitro Fertilisation. A procedure in which an egg is removed from a follicle and fertilised by a sperm outside the human body. The resultant embryo can then be transferred into the uterus
IVF In Vitro Fertilisation. A procedure in which an egg is removed from a follicle and fertilised by a sperm outside the human body. The resultant embryo can then be transferred into the uterus
FSH Follicle Stimulating Hormone which is produced by the anterior pituitary gland and stimulates the growth of follicles in the female. FSH also induces the development of sperm in the testicle
FSH Follicle Stimulating Hormone which is produced by the anterior pituitary gland and stimulates the growth of follicles in the female. FSH also induces the development of sperm in the testicle
LH Luteinising Hormone. Produced by the pituitary gland and responsible for stimulating ovulation
LH Luteinising Hormone. Produced by the pituitary gland and responsible for stimulating ovulation